[Qgis-user] Send shapefile to google earth

Pedro VenĂ¢ncio pedrongvenancio at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 24 13:21:25 PDT 2010


take the topic to congratulate you for the excellent plugin! Works great!

As a suggestion for the future, I would like to let the idea to be possible to
include information directly from attribute table for the description field in
the GE, in order to appear in the popup balloon. If
it were possible to include the possibility of controlling this issue with
html, it was really great, like to include the attribute table of shapefile in
a table in html (or something like that).

Thank you!

--- On Thu, 6/24/10, Maxim Dubinin <sim at gis-lab.info> wrote:

Re: [Qgis-user] Send shapefile to google earth
native data CRS should be 4326, theoretically data can also be in other geographic CRS, but will be treated as 4326.

The CRS of the map canvas is not important, if you want you can set the projection to 900913.

In principle, we can make plugin aware of the CRS and reproject to 4326 on the fly, sometime later may be.


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