AW: [Qgis-user] autosave plugin

Alex Mandel tech_dev at
Tue Mar 9 13:10:23 PST 2010

Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for the feedback.
>> I had a look at the code of the autosave plugin some time ago. 
>> IIRC there is no timer in the plugin that saves it every x minutes or so. 
>> It looks more like it saves only after a canvas refresh or some othter signal
>>  if the interval time is due. So if you don't work with qgis the
>>  plugin will not save the project every 10 minutes or so.
>> Correct me if I'm wrong, it's quite a time ago, I looked at the plugin.
> I'm probably missing something simple, but I still don't understand how
> it works as I cannot make to have a project file saved in the chosen
> directory. Moreover users that spot this plugin seems to expect really a
> tool that saves the project every "x" minutes/hours, and to tell the
> truth I also think that this way it would be very useful (if not
> already).
> thanks in advance
> -- Giovanni --

The problem with saving on a time interval is that it doesn't make any
sense unless combined with some type of change detection. What's the
point in using cpu to keep a timer going and saving if someone just left
QGIS open when they went to lunch.

At best it makes sense on certain actions to check the time maybe
against a saved value and compare and if delta greater than x specified
by user do a save.

Note Autosave based on a timer has been removed from things like Office
for similar reasons.


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