[Qgis-user] offline googlemaps (or the like) images

Noli Sicad nsicad at gmail.com
Mon Oct 4 17:58:40 PDT 2010

> if you get your own imagery you can easily install a wms server on your
> machine and connect to it with qgis.

I don't  think WMS can do offline. This is the weakness of web mapping
services, if I am not mistaken, it piggyback on TC/IP protocol (i.e
without Internet connection is the services useless).

I have looking at offline mapping for a while now.  GMapCatcher[1] is
solution since it has offline download feature. It can download from
CloudMade, OpenStreetMap, Yahoo Maps, Google Map and use the download
tile maps offline

Now, the question is how can use the data for Qgis google layers plugin?

Vincent, you can probably figure this out - Hack the qgis google
layers plugin python code.

BTW, it has options to save data in files or in Sqlite3 as well.

Anybody interested on hacking qmapper data for Qgis?

I think will provide offline mapping solution for QGIS


[1] http://code.google.com/p/gmapcatcher/
GMapCatcher is an offline maps viewer. It downloads tiles
automatically from many providers such as: CloudMade, OpenStreetMap,
Yahoo Maps, Google Map. It displays them using a custom GUI. User can
view the maps while offline. GMapCatcher doesn't depend on
google-map's java scripts so it should work even if google changes
them. It alsg provides a downloading tool.

GMapCatcher is written in Python 2.6, can run on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.



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