[Qgis-user] Qgis unstable in Ubuntu 10.10

Noli Sicad nsicad at gmail.com
Wed Oct 13 16:01:57 PDT 2010

Try Qgis




On 10/14/10, Paco Ferri <auroch.f at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all
> I have installed Qgis 1.4.0-enceladus in ubuntu 10.10. Apparently it works
> fine and it oppens very fast (much faster than under windows) but it crashes
> every time when doing things like dragging the window, minimising it or just
> double clicking on the task bar. This happens when a project is loaded. A
> friend of mine, with more experience in Qgis is encountering a similar
> problem using Qgis 1.5.0, although I do not know which version of UBUNTU is
> she using.
> Thankyou in advance for your help.
> Paco

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