[Qgis-user] 'snapSegmentWithContext' with Quantum Navigator

Joe Larson joelarso at gmail.com
Sun Oct 17 08:54:09 PDT 2010

Hello All,

I'm trying to get Quantum Navigator
http://www.mapserver.sk/~wonder/qnavigator/ going on Maverick Meerkat, built
against QGIS trunk.

jef on IRC helped me with the API switch past QGIS 1.0, which got me past
the initial 'make' compile. I got through ./dgbuild and can run
qnavigator.py, but when I am in the 'Routing' tab and pass a Start event
from(to) the map.

seems 'snapSegmentWithContext' is stumping me:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/joe/dev/qnavigator/python/gui/tools.py", line 21, in
  File "/home/joe/dev/qnavigator/python/gui/main.py", line 257, in gotStart
    pnt = self.routing.setStart(pos)
  File "/home/joe/dev/qnavigator/python/routing/routing.py", line 159, in
    self.start  = self.layer.findNearestPoint(point)
  File "/home/joe/dev/qnavigator/python/routing/routing.py", line 84, in
    (result, point, vertexIndex, fid, geom) =
self.snapSegmentWithContext(point, RoutingLayer.tolerance)
AttributeError: 'RoutingLayer' object has no attribute

does anyone have any advice? i tried adjusting the tolerance, researching
besides that...thank you,

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