[Qgis-user] Projection of Shapefile export

Brett Adams badams.spinifex at gmail.com
Wed Sep 22 02:59:16 PDT 2010

Guess I'm wondering what the next step on this topic is. I don't know 
what to do next.

Currently QGIS cannot separate ADG66/ AGD84 /GDA94 in either export or 
import. If it can, then I haven't seen it and if its that fickle, its 
way too dangerous for me.

Not keen on going to another package as they take time to learn. Is it 
even an option to sponsor someone to sort this out for me?

Technically I'm way over my depth so can't offer many solutions myself.

I need some honest answers.


Brett Adams
Spinifex Geophysics
0438 861 974

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