[Qgis-user] Does not accept int8

Ivan Mincik ivan.mincik at gista.sk
Wed Sep 29 06:29:43 PDT 2010

  On 09/29/2010 03:22 PM, Espen Isaksen wrote:
> Hi!
> We have a Postgis table with a primary key that is int8. QGIS will not
> open this table as it says it only accepts columns with int4.
> I get this error:
> "There were no columns in the table that were suitable as a qgis key
> into the table (either a column with a unique index and type int4 or a
> PostgreSQL oid column.
> The unique index on column 'sl_sdeid' is unsuitable because Quantum
> GIS does not currently support non-int4 type columns as a key into the
> table."
> Is there any way I can get QGIS to open this table with the int-8
> column? And without adding an extra int-4 column which I suppose might
> be a solution.

Hi, there was already discussion about it at developer mailing list and 
there is already opened ticket:


Ivan Mincik, Gista s.r.o.

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