[Qgis-user] how to group a classified unique symbology in the layer properties box

flavio rigolon flavio.rigolon at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 08:21:59 PDT 2011

2011/4/20 pevins <pevins at gmail.com>:
> Say I have classified polygons based on a column in the .dbf, but there are
> just too many values in that classification thereby producing 100 different
> symbols/colours for one shapefile. How can I group some of those values to
> be represented by the same colour/symbol? I can select several values in the
> layer properties pop-up, but I cannot group them.
> This is not about grouping layers in the layer box. It is about applying and
> rationalizing symbology in a single layer.

Hi Pevin,
 Not sure this is what you are looking for but
did you try the graduated style method instead categorized?


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