[Qgis-user] advice on a geotagging app

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Wed Apr 20 08:45:59 PDT 2011

On 04/19/2011 11:15 PM, maning sambale wrote:
> Hi,
> For geotagging photos, I use JOSM (OSM's java editor).  JOSM has a
> nifty plugin that writes lat/lon into the photo's exif.  Afterwards, I
> use QGIS's phot2shape to create a point shapefile.  The resulting
> shapfile is then used for the evis plugin to show photos in QGIS.  I
> was wondering if there are other tools to do this.  A qgis plugin or
> other free ("easy to use") tools.
> There is also EasyGeoTagger
> (http://biodiversityinformatics.amnh.org/open_source/easygeotagger/index.php)
>  but it requires a bit of dependency installs and development is
> currently inactive.
> Advance thank you.

I personally use Digikam, but that's because of all it's other photo
management features. It does happen to do GPS log matching too.

I would not be hard to write a python app for it though.


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