[Qgis-user] Re: Newbie question - gml files
Sam Vekemans
acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 08:06:34 PST 2011
There was an error message in the last part of the installation.
I guess i didn't fully remove the prograd all of its components the
last time i installed it.
On 1/3/11, Micha Silver <micha at arava.co.il> wrote:
> On 03/01/2011 15:18, Sam Vekemans wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks :)
>> I downloaded the Download OSGEO4W Installer
>> and found that extra plugin for it. ... so it should have installed.
>> http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/qA5vAWn4q3kOXzXnm4mB1A?feat=directlink
>> OSGeo4W folder, there is no .exe file which would launch Qgis ... (it's
>> probably in one of the sub-folders)
> The qgis.exe is under \apps\qgis\bin in the OSGeo4W installation folder.
> But you should have a desktop icon and start menu link all setup and ready
> to go after installing.
>> So i'll re-install qgis 1.6 (and keep this version installed)
>> and do the 'right-click saveAs' so to transform the file, as i didn't do
>> that in previous attempts.
>> Thanks,
>> Sam
>> On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 2:26 AM, Micha Silver <micha at arava.co.il> wrote:
>>> Hello Sam:
>>> On 03/01/2011 10:38, Sam Vekemans wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I just want to convert the .gml file into the same projection as the
>>>> canvec .shp files and most other .shp files
>>> I think it's unfortunate that you posted on your blog, a blanket
>>> statement "qgis.org does not work".
>>> I downloaded one of the gml files you pointed to [1]. I choose one of the
>>> smaller ones.
>>> Then I tried to load it into QGIS (version 1.6). My installation in on
>>> WinXP, installed with the OSGeo online installer [2] . When I run the
>>> installer, I usually chose "Advanced Install" right at the start, and
>>> check some additional libraries. In your case you'll want to be sure to
>>> check GDAL17 under the Command Line section.
>>> QGIS was able to display the qml layer with no problem. To correctly
>>> set the CRS, I first opened the gml file (in a text editor) and it's
>>> apparently is projected in NAD83(CSRS98) which is epsg code 4140. So I
>>> opened the properties of the layer (double click on the layer name) and
>>> in the general seciton, I clicked on "Specify CRS". THis does *not*
>>> reproject the layer, It only indicates to QGIS what projection the
>>> original is in.
>>> Next I did the usual "right click" on the layer name in the TOC and chose
>>> "Save As" to export to shapefile and I got the (attached) shape. In the
>>> Save As dialog there's a button to "Specify CRS" here I choose the
>>> correct EPSG:4140, NAD83(CSRS) projection.
>>> As to exporting to other coordinate systems, you can do that also
>>> directly in QGIS in the same way: when you chose "Save As" click the
>>> "Browse" button on the CRS line and you can select any destination CRS
>>> that you need. I'm not familiar with the canvec data, but according to
>>> [3] the spatial reference system is NAD83(CSRS) as above. Now if certain
>>> provinces need a local projection in order to overlay other layers then
>>> you can use the Save As to chose a different CRS.
>>> HTH,
>>> Micha
>>> [1] http://ftp2.cits.rncan.gc.ca/pub/canvec/province_gml/nl/
>>> [2] http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/osgeo4w-setup.exe
>>> [3]
>>> http://ftp2.cits.nrcan.gc.ca/pub/canvec/doc/CanVec_product_specifications_en.pdf
>>> --
>>> Micha Silver
>>> http://www.surfaces.co.il/
>>> Arava Development Co. +972-52-3665918
>> This mail was received via Mail-SeCure System.
> --
> Micha Silver
> http://www.surfaces.co.il/
> Arava Development Co. +972-52-3665918
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