[Qgis-user] Intersection between vector layers

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sun Jan 23 22:27:43 PST 2011

It sounds to me like he just wants to select points based on their
intersection with a polygon.
Vector->Research->Select By location
Although it doesn't look like that can filter by your current selection
yet, so you might need to Save Selection as your selected polygon to
it's own layer 1st.

Yes this could be done in a database if you were using Postgis or


On 01/23/2011 10:22 PM, Noli Sicad wrote:
> I got error from the URL
> Sorry, the page (or document) you have requested is not available.
> Please check the address and try again.
> I suppose the yellow polygon and dots are not in the same layer / vector.
> You have to merge it to make into 1 layer, then you can select it and clip.
> Noli
> On 1/24/11, Nicholas.Crosbie at health.vic.gov.au
> <Nicholas.Crosbie at health.vic.gov.au> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How do I select all points within the yellow polygon - see the following
>> screen grab:
>> https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B30Nq8_lPexjZGY0ZTdjNTktOGE3NC00NjBlLWEwMzEtYjhhY2RjNDhkMDFm&sort=name&layout=list&num=50
>> Note that both the yellow polygon and the dots are vector layers (all dots
>> contained on one vector layer).
>> In my mind this is like a spatial SQL query.
>> How do I do this QGIS?
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