[Qgis-user] Table with empty wkb_geometry

Matej Serc mailing at tam.si
Wed Jul 20 15:33:29 PDT 2011

Hi all,

this is just partially connected with QGIS, but since I experience some
behaviour which I can't understand, I will ask here.

We have some parcel data which were imported to PostGIS DB from SHP files. I
have just found out that there is a small percentage of the rows that have
wkb_geometry field empty, but the parcel is visible in the QGIS, so I can
click on it and Identify results etc.

Basically I started looking at it more deeply when using some intersection
functions from PostGIS that did not list some parcels which should by no
means be listed. Now after looking at the SELECT query output in the
pgAdmin, I see empty field for such parcels.

What bothers me, is: how can these parcels be visible in QGIS? I think that
there was some problem when I was importing the data from SHP - but no
errors were shown in ogr2ogr at that time. Did anyone already experienced
something like this?

Thank you very much for any ideas and pointers in advance :-)
BR, Matej
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