[Qgis-user] gdal tools

Julio Cesar Canales Delgadillo cadj0506 at yahoo.com.mx
Sat Jun 11 08:13:16 PDT 2011

Hello folks,

I'm trying to merge some rasters using gdal tools, after secting input 
files and specifying output files i click ok and get the following message:

"python" no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo, programa o 
archivo por lotes ejecutable (that is: phyton is not recognized as 
internal or external command, programm or batch file). Also, if I try to 
do some other operation, like rasterize vectors I get this:

ERROR 1: Can't load requested DLL: 
126: No se puede encontrar el módulo especificado.

ERROR 1: Can't load requested DLL: 
126: No se puede encontrar el módulo especificado.

ERROR 1: Can't load requested DLL: 
126: No se puede encontrar el módulo especificado.

... but the dll's are there (might be that they are in the wrong folder? 
if yes to which folder should I move them?). Do you know how to solve 
this problems?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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