[Qgis-user] Best way to store temperature info

jorge.canelhas at binarium.pt jorge.canelhas at binarium.pt
Tue Jun 28 12:52:22 PDT 2011

Quite true, what I want to ultimately do is an animation of temerture 
variations in several areas

I was thinking in making a related table to store temepratures for 
points and areas indexed by date.


On Tue, 28 Jun 2011 17:45:09 +0200, Andreas Neumann wrote:
> I think Jorge wants to store data just at a single point (not a full
> raster). Any QGIS datasource would do: sqlite, PostgreSQL, etc.
> sqlite is easier to exchange with other people, Postgis makes more
> sense in a centralized multiuser environment. Both have good
> performance and SQL capabilities, PostgreSQL is of course more
> powerful.
> Netcdf would definitely be overkill if one stores temperature values
> just at a single point.
> Andreas
> On Tue, 28 Jun 2011 16:28:41 +0100, M.E.Dodd wrote:
>> I have tried to work with with this format and find it a nightmare 
>> to
>> deal with unless you are a experienced programmer and work with this
>> kind of information all the time, i.e. you spend ages learning then
>> its ok, I did not manage to get there.  Incidentally can qgis deal
>> with it, think I asked this question a year or two ago and I suspect
>> the answer was no although I may be wrong.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Noli Sicad [mailto:nsicad at gmail.com]
>> Sent: 28 June 2011 01:06
>> To: jorge.canelhas at binarium.pt
>> Cc: Qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
>> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Best way to store temperature info
>> I think the best way is NetCDF.
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetCDF
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/search?q=GDAL+and+.nc+%28netCDF%29+and+qgis&l=qgis-user%40lists.osgeo.org
>> Noli
>> On 6/28/11, jorge.canelhas at binarium.pt <jorge.canelhas at binarium.pt> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> what do you think is the best way to store temerature data in one 
>>> poin?
>>> using attributes ? like Time, Date , Temp in a simgle point and 
>>> keep
>>> repeating that point ? or can I have something like a relational DB 
>>> on
>>> a shapefile ? or should I use postgis to achieve that ?
>>> Thanks
>>> Jorge
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