[Qgis-user] QGIS Crash on Opening Project

Lee muellerl at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 14:38:33 PDT 2012

Some projects do include an openlayer layer. Others do not. It crashes with
all the best,
Lee Mueller
ISA Certified Arborist
Registered Forester #46043

On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 2:31 PM, Zoran Janković
<zoran.m.jankovic at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I got similar behaviour on Windows boxes (1.7.4) when using (or, rather,
> trying to use) OpenLayers plugin, or opening an existing project with
> Openlayers layer inside... So far, no solution, it is on the bug
> tracklist... Are you using this plugin?
> BR,
> Zoran
> Dana petak, 13. travnja 2012., korisnik Lee je napisao:
> Gang,
>> I have been using QGIS at my workplace on our windows cloud. I have
>> developed several project files which use various shapefiles located on our
>> server. QGIS works fine when using it on windows to access these files.
>> Recently, I was able to crash our cloud while attempting to perform some
>> operations on rather large datasets. They have since moved me off the cloud
>> to my own computer. Naturally, I requested Ubuntu. Unfortunately, when I
>> map our server drives to my machine and attempt to open my QGIS files, I
>> first get the general warning about "earlier versions of QGIS" before the
>> layers start to load and QGIS crashes completely.
>> To fix this, I attempted to copy the entire folder which houses the
>> projects onto my desktop and load the projects away from the server.
>> Unfortunately, this has caused the same crash. No errors. No warning. Just
>> a complete closing of QGIS.
>> Finally, I tried running it through the terminal to see what kind of
>> error's might be generated. This time, it did not crash completely but
>> gave an "std::bad_alloc" error. The terminal output for the session is as
>> follows:
>> lee at lee-desktop:~$ qgis
>> Warning: loading of qgis translation failed
>> [/usr/share/qgis/i18n//qgis_en_US]
>> Warning: loading of qt translation failed
>> [/usr/share/qt4/translations/qt_en_US]
>> Python support ENABLED :-)
>> Loaded : Plugin Installer (package: plugin_installer)
>> Loaded : fTools (package: fTools)
>> Warning: Loading a file that was saved with an older version of qgis
>> (saved in 1.7.0-Wroclaw, loaded in 1.7.4-Wroclaw). Problems may occur.
>> I see no errors, or output outside of the ordinary. Again, a direct
>> opening from a file produces a crash, through terminal produces an error.
>> Has anyone experienced a similar issue? Any suggestions for a fix or
>> work-around?
>> Thank you in advance.
>> --
>> all the best,
>> Lee Mueller
>> ISA Certified Arborist
>> Registered Forester #46043
> --
> ________________________________________________________________________
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> *Zoran Janković, mag. ing. geod. et geoinf.*
> *GEO KT d.o.o.*
> *www.geokt.hr*
> *
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