[Qgis-user] Re: qgis/ Postgis raster plugin problem

Mauricio de Paulo mauricio.dev at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 05:25:40 PDT 2012

Hi Johannes,
At the moment GDAL's driver is not able to read irregularly tiled raster 
tables. This means that you cannot use the option to load many raster 
files in a single table. One workaround is to use VRT to build a single 
mosaic dataset before loading them to postgis.
Is that your problem?
All the best.

Mauricio C. M. de Paulo
Engenheiro Cartógrafo
Mestrando em Sensoriamento Remoto (INPE)

On 04/13/2012 08:23 AM, johannes roeder wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for disturbing you. Maybe you find time to reply to my question...
>  I was trying to use your plugin on qgis 1.7.4. on Ubuntu oneiric. 
> Without problems I can connect to the database. But "Read table's 
> vector representation" is the only function that gives output. Wheater 
> "Read table as raster" as "read row as raster" gives output: "Error: 
> Could not load PG: dbname=rastertest host=localhost user=postgres 
> password=postgres port=5432 schema=public table=srtm mode=2"
> Terminal gives the output: "Warning: QgsRasterLayer::setDataProvider: 
> Data provider is invalid.
> ERROR 1: Sorry, but the only working mode accepted from now is the  
> I loaded various rasters using raster2pgsgl, tiled an untiled to the 
> database without problems, but can`t load any of it (except vector 
> representation) using the plugin.
> I am using Postgis 2.0 and gdal version 1.9.0. So I would be 
> interessted to know, if this is a general problem, that might have to 
> do with gdal version/gdal rasterdriver or a specific problem of my 
> installation. Found nothing illuminating about it on the web....
> Thank you very much,
> Johannes
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