[Qgis-user] Welcome to 4 QGIS students in Google Summer of Code 2012

Anne Ghisla a.ghisla at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 02:55:25 PDT 2012

Hello all, and sorry for cross-posting,

let me introduce our 4 accepted students for OSGeo Google Summer of
Code 2012:

- Camilo Polymeris, mentored by Victor Olaya on the project "Orfeo
  Toolbox backend for the Sextante framework in QGIS "
- Ramón Carrillo, mentored by Marco Bernasocchi, on "QGIS on Mobile
- Arunmozhi, mentored by Martin Dobias, on "Symbology Usability
  Improvements for QGIS"
- Eugenpaul, mentored by Alex Bruy, on "Vector Layer Generalisation for

See here [0] for more details on their projects.

I look forward to see them involved in QGIS development, and actively
interact with the community!

[0] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/projects/list/google/gsoc2012
-- filter by Project title == QGIS

OSGeo GSoC Admin
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