[Qgis-user] shp*join*csv real2string problem

Goyo goyodiaz at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 08:47:50 PST 2012

Maybe the updated gdal from ubuntugis has FreeXL support. There are
also builds of QGIS (release and master) for Ubuntu which depend on
ubuntugis packages. Check the qgis download page.

2012/12/9 Bernd Vogelgesang <bernd.vogelgesang at gmx.de>:
> Am 08.12.2012, 20:02 Uhr, schrieb Jürgen E. Fischer <jef at norbit.de>:
>> Hi Bernd,
>> On Sat, 08. Dec 2012 at 17:12:16 +0100, Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
>>> Seems the excel import is version and/or platform dependent: In dev under
>>> linux mint, it doesn't work at all. Drag and drop produces "blabla.xls is
>>> not a valid or recognized data source" and through the normal vector
>>> adding dialog, there is no way to make the xls visible and selectable.
>> It's not platform, but OGR dependant.  I suppose the GDAL/OGR on Linux
>> mint
>> isn't built with FreeXL[1] support and therefore you can't use Excel files
>> directly.
> ermm, i am able to add the debian-nightly repository and install qgis. no
> idea how to integrate additional stuff.
>> Jürgen
>> [1] https://www.gaia-gis.it/fossil/freexl/
> --
> Bernd Vogelgesang * Siedlerstrasse 2 * 91083 Baiersdorf * +49-9133-825374
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