[Qgis-user] [Qgis-developer] QGIS and new spatialite driver

Alexander Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Sun Dec 16 02:44:17 PST 2012

Hi Andrea,

AFAIK OSGeo4W has spatialite 3.0.1 and QGIS compiled against this
version. As SL 4.0 databases are incompatible with older library
version you get this message.

Seems spatialite package in OSGeo4W should be updated

On Sun, 16 Dec 2012 11:36:55 +0100
Andrea Peri <aperi2007 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I see some time ago was updated the driver for spatialite.
> But as I try to use it I see that really qgis do't allow use the new
> splite 4.0 format. :(
> It Say-ing simply "obsolete libspatialite, use v4.0".
> Surely this is better than before when qgis simply crash brutally.
> But I guees perhaps should be better to be capable to use the new 4.0 format. :)
> As some test I understand that it wait for a new version of "spatialite.dll".
> I try to substitute it with the dll available on the spatialite site,
> but it dont seem to be compatible.
> Perhaps it use a different compiler.
> However, I guess the right solution is to add this library
> (spatialite.dll) to the osgeo4w-setup libraries.
> Infact actuallly it is not contained in the list of libraries and I
> dont know why, so it is impossible to understand what version is
> actually hold in that container.
> But before open ticket on osgeo4w for ask this update I like to know
> if is this correctly the missing operation to be able to use the new
> spatialite 4.0 format.

Alexander Bruy

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