[Qgis-user] problems Open Layer Plugin

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at faunalia.pt
Fri Feb 24 04:19:47 PST 2012

Hi Dario,

when using the OL plugin your project must be in Google Mercator with
OTFR enabled. Sometimes there are "shifts" but if you pan a little the
canvas everything goes in its place (it is because the maps from Google
et al are not available at every scale).

About the error try remove openlayers overview plugin (now integrated
into Openlayers).


-- Giovanni --

On Fri, 2012-02-24 at 04:11 -0800, Dario wrote:
> Hello Friends,
> When using the plugin with the option Openlayer Google Earth, I have
> been a big shift between the point indicated on my map and point shown
> in Google Earth.
> My map is in UTM projection, SAD 69, zone 24S, EPSG = 29194
> (I'm using on-the-fly)
> When trying to add image of GE states the following:
> The OpenLayers plugin version is 0.71, need be 0:42 version!
> I have to revert to the old version? How to do it?
> Dario
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