[Qgis-user] Problem in loading PostGIS table into QGIS

Siki Zoltan siki at agt.bme.hu
Thu Jan 5 09:50:43 PST 2012

Dear Imas,

you can add spatial enabled PostGIS tables to your QGIS project.
The PostGIS table must have an integer (int4) primary key column and a 
geometry column. Check your tables.


On Thu, 5 Jan 2012, Imas Sitanggang wrote:

> Hi all QGIS users, I have a problem in loading PostGIS table into QGIS. In
> the dialog window ˙˙Add Postgis Table(s), I cannot found the recently 
> created tables in the database PostgreSQL.  So I cannot load it into 
> GGIS project.  Before this, I found new created layers in the window with
> the value ˙˙Waiting˙˙ in the colomn Type, but now there are only 
> POLYGON, LINE, MULTIPOLYGON, and POINT appear in the coloum Type.   
> Anyone, kindly give me any solution to my problem. 
> Thank you
> Imas Sitanggang 

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