[Qgis-user] Atlas plugin - create map books

Vincent Picavet vincent.ml at oslandia.com
Wed Jan 25 08:29:57 PST 2012

Hi Paolo,

> > A quick message to point you to a new «Atlas» plugin, which let you
> > create pdf map books given a layer defining map zones.
> > The plugin is available in the experimental part of the new plugin
> > repository.
> What is the difference between this and the EasyPrint>MapBook plugin?

You know that just as you, I really don't like wasted efforts.
The main difference is that, as said by others, this plugin lets you use the 
composer to create a template for the final composition. Another difference is 
that it lets you use any field of the coverage layer for text replacement.

I had a deep look into easyprint, and the conclusion was that it would be much 
easier to start again from scratch than trying to adapt easyprint to accept 
composer templates, as its original format is custom and very constrained.

That said, some parts of easyprint could be ported to Atlas, namely the 
coverage grid generation part.

As for having Atlas a QGis core part, I could do the C++ port, but this 
project would need funding. If anyone interested, get in touch.

As for now, I'll focus on getting it stable, so feel free to report bugs, and 
I will try to release new versions soon and often (already some nasty 
installation bugs were resolved).


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