[Qgis-user] Need help: what is the measurement unit of interval X, Y in print composer - map grid?

Cao Minh Tu caominhtuvn at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 22:52:23 PST 2012

Dear Micha Silver,

That's the information I need. Thank you very much!

Nga`y 31/01/2012 01:31 PM, Micha Silver vie^'t:
> On 31/01/2012 04:46, Cao Minh Tu wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I want to put a grid overlay on my printed map with lines 20 meters 
>> apart, I managed to display a grid in print composer but now I don't 
>> know what value to put in Interval X, Y to realize what I want 
>> because I don't know their measurement unit.
> Should be the same as the maps units.
> If your project is in a CRS with meters as the units , then the 
> interval would be meters.
>> Anyone can help me on this?
>> Thanks a lot.
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