[Qgis-user] CRS database problem

Diana Jones archaeosys at gmail.com
Sun Jun 3 03:21:39 PDT 2012

I have been downloading Edina dxf contour files into a project this 
morning by first using the plug-in to convert them to shape files.  I 
have done this many times in the past without problems, but suddenly an 
Error window has opened, saying:  Could not open CRS database. 
<br> Error 14: unable to open database file.  It does not allow me to 
close the window and the project is frozen.  I forced it to quit and 
reopened QGIS.  Another project of mine is unaffected, but the project 
that crashed is still in this state.  Can anyone tell me what I need to 
do to restore it?

Many thanks if you can.

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