[Qgis-user] Re: Rasterlite layer is just a black box

Zirneklitis eko at lanet.lv
Fri Mar 9 00:19:16 PST 2012

Something wrong with Windows binaries. On Windows XP  the latest QGIS 
(OSGeo4Win 1.7.4/1.9.90) do not recognize the given example as (raster) 
map :( No Problems on Linux (Fedora 14 x 64 / QGis Master).


ASAHI Kosuke wrote:
> ..
> How about use Layer→Add Raster Layer on qgis main menu?
> (2012/03/09 16:36), Ramon Andiñach wrote:
>> Jukka's file is not working in 1.7.4 or 1.9.90 (osgeo) on my win7 box,
>> even with the updated dll.
>>>> You mean my test database? As I wrote, it is here
>>>> http://latuviitta.org/documents/herttoniemi.sqlite

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