[Qgis-user] kml styles

M.E.Dodd m.e.dodd at open.ac.uk
Fri Mar 9 00:45:59 PST 2012

Is it possible to produce a .kml file that will display on google earth in a similar way to in qgis, for example keeping the style and labelling of the points?  I have exported .kml files from qgis and viewed them in google earth on a mobile and this works fine but the points are just shown as the standard yellow markers and not showing the point names nor the graduated size of point marker.
I think questions like this have been asked before on the list but I can't find any answers.  Perhaps its not seen as important as you can now use qgis on mobile but in this case I want to make something that is very easy for non-expert users to just view on their phones and so the .kml and google earth is the easiest option rather than trying to get them to install qgis itself.

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