[Qgis-user] Forestry Week? (was Case sensitive)

Noli Sicad nsicad at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 14:35:44 PDT 2012

As I mentioned in my previous postings, that I am working on forest
management and forest estate modelling, probably you might be
wondering what is it, forest estate modelling.

I am am part of another GNU project for Operations Research (i.e.
GNU/GLPK) and offer support for GLPK/MathProg in Help-glpk ML.

Here is a simple forest estate model (i.e. forest management - model
I) that I have written and included in GLPK distribution.


The result of the models writes into dbf of shapefile (e.g. write /
create Harvest Table in the dbf of the shapefile). You can then create
a thematic map in QGIS for harvest-plan rotation for the stands in
your forest estate. The above URL link is simple model, just to get
you starting.

I have more sophisticated forest estate models for Forest Valuation,
Cashflow and Woodflow analysis, Log mill demand allocation for 45
years or more planning periods for New Zealand (Radiata Pine
plantation) (emai me if you are interested to read the my ForestValue
models (Standard and Spatial models) and sample of the outputs).

I am trying to compete with Remsoft Woodstock in this area using open
source tools.



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