[Qgis-user] trouble with projections
Kirk Wythers
kirk.wythers at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 10:10:38 PDT 2012
I am having trouble with the crs of a particular project which contains 3 shape file layers. I have two layers with display properly relative to each other, however, I am dubious that the crs is correct, since they are lat long yet the scale bar is displaying meters. I have another shape file, that when read into qgis, does not display properly at all.
I have tried turning off "on the fly" projections, loading one layer, then turning on "on the fly" for the other layers. I have also tried manually setting the project crs with to one of the layers. I have also tried manually setting the crs of each layer to EPSG 3174 (Great Lakes Albers). None of these approaches seems to have any effect on the problem.
Ideally I would like all files to be EPSG 3174 with units of degrees as Lat Long. Any suggestions on how I should be approaching this? Thanks in advance.
Here is the crs metadata for each file:
Storage type of this layer: ESRI Shapefile
Source for this layer: /Users/kirkw/Desktop/latlong/meanNH4_2002.2006CLIP.shp
Geometry type of the features in this layer: Polygon
The number of features in this layer: 2093
Editing capabilities of this layer: Add Features, Delete Features, Change Attribute Values, Add Attributes, Create Spatial Index, Fast Access to Features at ID, Change Geometries
In layer spatial reference system units : xMin,yMin -95.917,43.0309 : xMax,yMax -83.2767,49.3746
Layer Spatial Reference System:
+proj=aea +lat_1=42.122774 +lat_2=49.01518 +lat_0=45.568977 +lon_0=-84.455955 +x_0=1000000 +y_0=1000000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs
Storage type of this layer: ESRI Shapefile
Source for this layer: /Users/kirkw/Desktop/disturbance/reservelands/national_parks_boundaries_BTS_2006/national_parks_boundaries_BTS_2006.shp
Geometry type of the features in this layer: Polygon
The number of features in this layer: 555
Editing capabilities of this layer: Add Features, Delete Features, Change Attribute Values, Add Attributes, Create Spatial Index, Fast Access to Features at ID, Change Geometries
In layer spatial reference system units : xMin,yMin -167.535,18.4641 : xMax,yMax -66.1064,68.6554
Layer Spatial Reference System:
+proj=aea +lat_1=42.122774 +lat_2=49.01518 +lat_0=45.568977 +lon_0=-84.455955 +x_0=1000000 +y_0=1000000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs
Storage type of this layer: ESRI Shapefile
Source for this layer: /Users/kirkw/Desktop/disturbance/reservelands/Wilderness_Areas/Wilderness_Areas_12.1.11.shp
Geometry type of the features in this layer: Polygon
The number of features in this layer: 794
Editing capabilities of this layer: Add Features, Delete Features, Change Attribute Values, Add Attributes, Create Spatial Index, Fast Access to Features at ID, Change Geometries
In layer spatial reference system units : xMin,yMin -19942895.95,2066644.91 : xMax,yMax 20012095.73,11022781.37
Layer Spatial Reference System:
+proj=aea +lat_1=42.122774 +lat_2=49.01518 +lat_0=45.568977 +lon_0=-84.455955 +x_0=1000000 +y_0=1000000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs
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