[Qgis-user] Annoying CRS-Problem with EPSG 31468 / 2167

Bernd Vogelgesang bernd.vogelgesang at gmx.de
Wed Mar 21 09:07:25 PDT 2012

Hi there,
in Germany, we still quite often have Gauss-Krüger 4 projection for the 
source data from clients, formerly edited with ArcGIS.
QGIS obviously has some problems with GK4 (EPSG:31468)
When i import a shape with a .prj-file from ArcGIS, it doesn't promt for 
the crs, but immediately loads the shape.
The tricky think is: if you do not check the crs manually every time, 
you run into chaos, cause QGIS always sets the crs to "Pulkovo 1942(83) 
/ Gauss Krueger zone 4 (deprecated)" (EPSG:2167) which has quite an 
offset to the other crs.

I'm quite confident that it's not a problem of the prj-file from ArcGIS, 
cause when i import a GK4-Layer into GRASS, there set the crs to GK4 as 
well, do my stuff and then send it back the result to QGIS, there the 
former EPSG 31468-Layer again is set to EPSG 2167 too !!!

Has anyone an idea how to prevent this or what's the reason for this?
It's really annoying and quite hard to explain to clients to check 
everytime the crs when they load a layer file.


QGIS 1.74, osgeo4w on Win7 64bit

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