[Qgis-user] Re: ecw problems

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Thu Mar 22 12:26:42 PDT 2012

Am 22.03.2012 16:16, schrieb skampus:
> please, can you explain how it has to be used?

Via command line, much like the osgeo4w installation works:
assuming you have installed the ms4w package to D:\ms4w,

You will find a setenv.bat in that directory, which sets environment 
paths corectly, not touching your osgeo4w-settings.

Choose the directory with your raster file. Create a batch file test.bat
and enter:

call "D:\ms4w\setenv.bat"
gdaltransform -s_srs EPSG:31467 -t_srs EPSG:4326 <31467.txt >out.txt

and a file 31467.txt with the content:
3348778.0 5717526.0 0

Executing the batch file will transform the coordinates and write them 
to out.txt.

If that works, you can use the other gdal tools in the same way.

The same works with the osgeo4w package, except that the environment 
setting has to be included in your batch file:

@echo off
for %%f in (%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\etc\ini\*.bat) do call %%f

Advantage of OSGeo4w is, that it brings its own python with it. ms4w 
expects a python installation by the user.

BUT: looking at the history.txt of the installation, they have dropped 
ecw support a few years ago :-(
The website says they are still supporting it.

Andre Joost

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