[Qgis-user] Postgis query performance

fork forkandwait at gmail.com
Mon May 14 12:01:25 PDT 2012

Hi all, 

I am running Master, trying to query a postgis layer via the attribute  table
(Tiger blocks for the state of WA). It takes many, many minutes to finish, but
when I run a similar query  in psql it takes 4.830 ms

psql query: select geoid10 from block10 
      where cityname10 =  'Wenatchee' and gq10 >= 10 order by geoid10;

layer query criteria "cityname10 =  'Wenatchee' and gq10 >= 10"

Is there a way to speed this up?

Also, when I run the "query" from the right-click menu, and choose test, it
gives me the number of rows without a select criteria (the above criteria should
yield about 10 rows, but test says ~174000)

Any ideas? 

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