[Qgis-user] QGIS 1.7.4 Wroclaw to Mapinfo: adivice please
Bo Victor Thomsen
bo.victor.thomsen at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 07:57:30 PDT 2012
Robert -
How does the Coordsys clause in your new "shape" mif/mid file looks like
? (Open the new mif file in notepad, look at line 4)
Is it the same as the Coordsys clause in the tab file for the jpg ?
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 09-10-2012 10:53, BTinternet skrev:
> As a non-expert newcomer to QGIS I would most grateful for the forum's
> advice.
> I have the task of taking TAB and JPG files created by a client in
> Mapinfo and drawing on them vector items using QGIS - and then
> returning the resulting SHP files (or SHP converted to Mapinfo MIF/MID
> files) to the client. When I do this, however, the client declares
> that, the CRS for the resulting SHP or MIF/MID files are non-existent
> or wrong.
> For example, Mapinfo TAB and associated JPG files was sent from my
> client. If I look at the TAB file in Notepad, I see that the data are
> as follows:
> !table
> !version 300
> !charset WindowsLatin1
> Definition Table
> File "03sw.jpg"
> Type "RASTER"
> (512232,306415) (88,176) Label "Pt 1",
> (517111,303237) (5484,3782) Label "Pt 2",
> (512816.96000000002,303710.67999999999) (732,3234) Label "Pt 3",
> (516970.09000000003,306367.07000000001) (5436,339) Label "Pt 4",
> (513415.08000000002,303400.54999999999) (1389,3578) Label "Pt 5"
> CoordSys Earth Projection 8, 79, "m", -2, 49, 0.9996012717, 400000,
> -100000
> Units "m"
> When I open the JPG in QGIS, I see that the CRS for the JPG is 'User
> Defined' and has the following definition:
> +proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000
> +y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +towgs84=375,-111,431,-0,-0,-0,0 +units=m
> +no_defs
> /*At this point, I'm not too sure whether or not QGIS has correctly
> interpreted the CRS for the Client's JPG. Can anyone help me on this
> please?*/
> When I create a SHP vector layer on top of the JPG, I make sure that
> it has the same 'User Defined' CRS as above and save the SHP layer as
> Mapinfo-useable MIF and MID files. Looking at the MIF file in
> Notepad, I can see that the coordinates (shown bottom right in QGIS)
> of the vector file agree exactly with the original JPG raster.
> When the MIF/MID files are opened by my Client however, the files are
> unusable because the CRS is 'non-existent or wrong'
> *Can anyone point out where I'm going wrong please?*
> Best regards
> Robert Beasley
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