[Qgis-user] QGIS 2.0 Rastorizing problem

Eyal Saiet ejsaiet at alaska.edu
Sun Dec 1 13:34:21 PST 2013

Hello All,
I have uploaded a contour data set in CSV format. The layer is selected
under "Layers", none the less any option I select in Raster does not
automaticly attempts to process the selected layer in Layer, but asks for
an input shape file. This has blocked me from rasterizing the csv file into
a shape file and diabled me from making a contour map in the

For particular questions I can send my print-screen of where I am stuck.

Thanks in advance for your help

Eyal Saiet

University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK 99775
(907) 750 6555 (cell)

ejsaiet at alaska.edu <Gregory.Walker at gi.alaska.edu>
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