[Qgis-user] RT SQL Layer Plugin for QGIS 2.0?

Goyo goyodiaz at gmail.com
Mon Dec 2 14:06:49 PST 2013

2013/12/2 Vincent Picavet <vincent.ml at oslandia.com>:
> Hi,
> Le lundi 2 décembre 2013 01:14:57, Giuseppe Sucameli a écrit :
>> RT Sql Layer was overseeded by DBManager which is a core plugin, so it
>> works on QGIS 2.x.
> Talking about that, is there a chance to have the SQL window as a dock for DB
> manager ? That would be great, only thing why rt sql layer is still easier to
> use for now.

If you mean docking it to the QGIS window try the fast sql layer plugin.


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