[Qgis-user] QGIS plugin to compare 2 different input

Suryo Miles suryomiles666 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 3 08:58:23 PST 2013

I try to make a QGIS plugin to compare 2 different number with 2 input
data, and i want to compare input 1 and input 2, but i dont know how to use
python condition to compare 2 random number input

i try it like this

    def Compare1(self):
            input1 = self.ui.lineInput1.text()
            input2 = self.ui.lineInput2.text()
            compare = ''
            if input1 == input2:
                compare = 'number was same'
                compare = 'number not same'

Can someone help me solve this

Thanks Before
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