[Qgis-user] Field calculator issue

Carlos Cerdán sig.upagu at gmail.com
Tue Dec 3 09:46:10 PST 2013

Thank you Jonathan. While 2.01 is the stable version, a reboot is an...
ugly solution.



2013/12/3 Jonathan Moules <jonathanmoules at warwickshire.gov.uk>

> Hi Carlos,
> There was this issue which has been fixed in Master apparently:
> http://hub.qgis.org/issues/8895
> Jonathan
> On 26 November 2013 13:13, Carlos Cerdán <sig.upagu at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi list:
>> (Maybe related with Rob Vech e-mail: strange results when calculating
>> area and perimeter )
>> I'm was trying calculate area of a layer with two polygons, but I can't
>> get right values. Layer and project are in UTM 17s (epsg 32717) projection.
>> I want square kilometers, so the used expression is:
>> $area/100000
>> Field type is real, 10 digits, 2 decimals (also tryed with 15 digits)
>> buth result is wrong for one polygon and zero for second.
>> The layer has not geometric errors (I've check it), and can be download
>> from
>> https://sites.google.com/site/ccerdan/Home/Cuencas_Cajamarca.zip?attredirects=0&d=1
>> There are a field "Area_KM2" that was calculated in ArcGIS and it has the
>> right values. The "Area_Ha" has the (wrong) result of QGIS field calculator.
>> What is wrong with field calculator?
>> UPDATE: After a reboot, field calculator found the right values... but
>> What was wrong?
>> Carlos
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