[Qgis-user] create new vector layer - bug or feature

Randal Hale rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
Thu Dec 12 06:54:57 PST 2013

Feature - I think. I did the exact same thing you did.

Go to Settings -> Options -> CRS and change the default behavior for 

It can inherit the CRS or the raster - if the project is set to the same 
CRS (I believe). If that makes sense.


Randal Hale, GISP
North River Geographic Systems, Inc
423.653.3611 rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
<mailto:rjhale at northrivergeographic.com>

On 12/12/2013 09:14 AM, Martin Wegmann wrote:
> Dear QGIS users,
> I updated to the new Version of QGIS 2.0.1 and encountered a bug (or feature)
> when creating a new vector layer.
> When you load a raster (with projection) and you want to digitize certain
> areas of this raster, then the vector file used to have the same projection as
> the old one (in 1.8.0 at least), but now I have to set the CRS first, otherwise
> it is set by default to longlat WGS84.
> This is in my opinion quite counterintuitive - if I create as vector and a
> raster with CRS is already present  it should have copied the CRS, or am I
> wrong?
> but beside this feature/bug, great software! I recommend it to all my students
> and use it extensively in courses, Martin
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