[Qgis-user] 3D dxf files

Matt Boyd mattslists at gmail.com
Sun Dec 15 15:19:42 PST 2013

thanks Zoltan, I just saw this email this morning and this is exactly what
I was thinking I'd have to do myself.
I did manage to get SAGA to load the dxf, however I'd only made it as far
as being able to apply a value to each polygon, not each node.

I'll get onto this now.

Many thanks and much appreciation.

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 6:57 AM, Siki Zoltan <siki at agt.bme.hu> wrote:

> Dear Matt,
> I've written an awk script to convert 3DFACE-s form dxf to a delimited
> text file. Please find attached.
> If you use Linux, start it in the shell like:
> gawk -f 3dface2csv.awk Otway_Basin_Granites-gravity.dxf > result.csv
> You can load the result.csv into QGIS az a delimited text layer with WKT
> column.
> Regards,
> Zoltan
> On Wed, 11 Dec 2013, Siki Zoltan wrote:
>  Dear Matt,
>> I've tested your dxf files in QGIS 2.0
>> Otway_Basin_curves.dxf loaded successfully (2D polylines)
>> Otway_Basin_Faults-basin.dxf not loaded, 3D faces are not suported by
>> GDAL DXF driver
>> Otway_Basin_Faults-shallow.dxf not loaded 3D faces
>> Otway_Basin_Granites-magnetics.dxf not loaded 3D faces
>> Otway_Basin_Granites-gravity.dxf not loaded 3D faces
>> You should find another way to import 3D faces from a dxf file.
>> Regards,
>> Zoltan
>> On Wed, 11 Dec 2013, Matt Boyd wrote:
>>  I'll give ogr2ogr a shot.
>>> woops, sorry wrong link I meant this one
>>> http://er-info.dpi.vic.gov.au/cgi-bin/download.pl?ID=3D_
>>> models/t009_OtwayBasin_3D_dxf.zip
>>> On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 6:02 PM, Siki Zoltan <siki at agt.bme.hu> wrote:
>>>  Dear Matt,
>>>> which version did you try?
>>>> What type of entites your dxf file(s) contains? Are them supported by
>>>> ogr
>>>> DXF driver? Check http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_dxf.html
>>>> Try to check entities with ogrinfo.
>>>> I had trouble with 1.8 (exspecially on Windows) to load dxf.
>>>> I used ogr2ogr instead QGIS, because you can set more options.
>>>> I cannot find any DXf file in the zip file you specify.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Zoltan
>>>> On Tue, 10 Dec 2013, Matt Boyd wrote:
>>>>  Hi group,
>>>>> I'm trying to make sense of some DXF files.
>>>>> these ones in particular
>>>>> http://er-info.dpi.vic.gov.au/cgi-bin/download.pl?ID=3D_
>>>>> models/3D_model_attributes.zip
>>>>> there's also a 3D pdf model here..
>>>>> http://er-info.dpi.vic.gov.au/cgi-bin/download.pl?ID=3D_
>>>>> models/t009_OtwayBasin_3D.pdf
>>>>> QGIS isn't able to open the dxf files, or it does but all I see is an
>>>>> icon
>>>>> called "entities" with no attributes. Ideally I'd be able to load
>>>>> these as
>>>>> rasters and make a few maps.
>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>> thanks
>>>>> matt
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