[Qgis-user] addons for GRASS through QGIS

Illya Santos illya.sparkes.santos at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 02:19:35 PST 2013

Hello List,

This might have been asked in the past and also might be a dumb question so
sorry in advance -

Is it possible to add GRASS addons from within QGIS via g.extension from
the shell?

I can run g.extension from the shell and list the addons including the one
I want which is r.viewshed but I am unsure about how to configure the addon
path or compile the addon maybe and put it in manually......or even if you
can do this....

I know I can do this in GRASS but I would like to be able to roll this in
QGIS so a couple of co-workers can experiment with it and so I can work
from one place rather than ducking between programs.

the box is windows 7

Thanks all,

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