[Qgis-user] Koordinate System, difference tool

Andreas Sauter sauter at forstlabor.de
Tue Jan 22 23:47:50 PST 2013

Hi everybody,

if i work with the geoprocessing tool "DIFFERENCE" with two shapes with 
a lot of identical boundarys. I get a lot of very small lines (0,05mm 
thick) along identical boundaries where there should be nothing. could 
this be a problem with the coordinate system(one of the shapes had no 
defined coordinate-system, but i defined the same projektion as the 
other shape before starting the difference tool)?

there is a window saying

"Eingabe-KBS-Fehler: Ein oder mehr Eingabelayern fehlen Informationen 
zum Koordinatenbezugssystem, was zu unerwarteten Ergebnissen führen könnte."

translation ;)
"coordinate system failure: one or more layers has a missing coordinate 
system, which can create unexpected results"
--> but i did the data-mamagement-tools/reprojekt-layer first

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