[Qgis-user] Composer bugs (?) when opened again

Sebastiano Lora sebastiano.lora at gmail.com
Wed Jul 3 06:32:49 PDT 2013

Hallo list,

Some problems emerged with the Map composer in the new QGIS master and I
wanted to know if somebody else faced the same issued before to open in
case a ticket.

- Last week I create new map composer, all went smooth and I printed a
jpegimage from it.
Some days after I opened it again to make some changes, add some labels and
and try new stuff but the Composer was empty. And I mean completely empty,
there was no page space in it and it was not possible to insert a new map
view. I made an update of the master in between the two sessions, therefore
I suspect that the update made some major changes and there was some
related problem.

- Other project, same work flow. i opened a composer I made some days
before (this time without updating the master). This time all the stuff was
there (two maps, legend, scale bar, images and so on) but in the main map
was showed no data. A secondary map works even if without labels.I deleted
the main map and inserted a new one, this one shows everything correctly
but it is not possible to change the visualisation scale neither to move
its contents (to fit better in the layout)

as said, somebody else had the same issues?
I am working on WIN7 with QGIS master (updated every 2/3 days)
Thanks again (and especially to all the developers for the amazing job)


Sebastiano Lora Dr phil
Deutsches Archäologische Institut Orient-Abteilung
Podbielskiallee 69-71
14195 Berlin, Germany
Tel. +49-30-187711-177
Fax +49-30-187711-189
cell 00491627638459
sebastiano.lora at gmail.com
skype: sebastiano.lora
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