[Qgis-user] Crash: merge shapefiles

Filipe Dias filipesdias at gmail.com
Sat Jul 6 02:13:23 PDT 2013

Merge shapes from SAGA GIS (which can be used via Sextante) is quite fast,
even with large shapefiles.

On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 10:25 PM, Giovanni Manghi <
giovanni.manghi at faunalia.pt> wrote:

> Hi,
> > As I've got loads of shapefiles, to define the .prj for each is not
> > realistic (Vector>DataManagement Tools>Define Current Projection).  I've
> > looked for a bulk process to create these but without luck
> >
> > Do I need prj files & if so, how can I create a load of them?
> in QGIS master you can use SEXTANTE to batch process files, so you can
> use the "reproject layer" tool, and get a copy of your shapes with a
> proper .prj
> Then to merge the shapes you can use QGIS, but I agree that is very
> (very) slow for large shapes or large number of shapes.
> The faster tool/code I tested is
> http://gistncase.blogspot.pt/2012/05/python-shapefile-merger-utility.html
> and it would be very nice to use it to replace the actual python code
> of the merge shapefiles qgis tool, see
> http://hub.qgis.org/issues/7208
> cheers
> -- Giovanni --
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