[Qgis-user] QGIS to ArcGIS

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Mon Jun 3 21:09:19 PDT 2013

Hi Mike,

No - it is currently not possible to convert a QGIS project to an ArcGIS
mxd file - and I doubt that the other tool MXD2QGS really works that well.

Both GIS have a different feature set and different approaches to the
same problems and it would be a very hard task to accomplish what you
want - and then, with every version of either software one would have to
revise the conversion tool.

Then there is the fact that the .mxd format is a binary format and not
documented. QGS is also not a stable and documented format. It changes
from version to version. But it is at least in a readable XML format.

What is the use case? Why would you want to convert a QGIS project to
ArcGIS? Everyone can install QGIS for free - so you could provide your
data, your QGIS project and every one can read it. Or you can publish
your project to the Web with QGIS server or QGIS cloud. Why convert it
to ArcGIS?


Am 03.06.2013 21:15, schrieb Mike Shand:
> Dear Users,
> Am I correct in thinking that it is currently not possible to convert a
> QGIS project file (.qgs) to an ArcGIS map file (.mxd).
> I know it can be done in reverse using the MXD2QGS Tool in ArcToolbox.
> Mike
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