[Qgis-user] Is it possible to use "SLD-enabled WMS" in QGIS?

Anders Söderman Anders.Soderman at gisassistans.se
Thu Nov 21 06:53:30 PST 2013

Hello  -  I'm trying to reach an SLD-enabled WMS-layer (also called library
mode, I think) 

but QGIS ignores   "& SLD = http ..."   in the end of the GetMap request URL

and shows all included WMS layers and their style/styles, as usually. 

The SLD is server accessible from my webserver: 



Here is an example of such an "SLD-enabled WMS" GetMap call (only
polygonsymbolizer is used in the SLD):  



and the original WMS looks like this:



Is it possible to use "SLD-enabled WMS" in QGIS? If not – does any other GIS
client? Regards Anders

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