[Qgis-user] Shape file points not appearing in 2.0.1

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Thu Nov 21 07:24:08 PST 2013

Am 20.11.2013 01:51, schrieb Daniel Kranich:
> Well It looks like I solved my own problem. I went in and found that
> there was a point with NULL in all the attribute fields, so I deleted
> that point and saved the file and everything shows up now.
> Weird.

I had a closer look at your data, and I think that your shapefiles are a 
bit corrupted. Looking at the extent values under properties, Metadata 
tab, the point file returns incredible large values.

Exporting the Geometry with mmqgis plugin gave me one point with 
coordinates in the range of 1E308. If you have imported the data as 
delimited text, I'm afraid it broke at some stage.

On-the-fly-reprojection in QGIS might stumble upon this too. I saved the 
file in WGS84, and the extent became reasonably, except that the south 
pole is included. But that shapefile at least rendered sucessfully.

The polygon shapefile claims to be in WGS84, but the extent of that does 
exceed allowed values for degrees by far. Setting the CRS of that to the 
same as the point file, the polygons fit well to an openstreetmap 
background from the openlayers plugin.

André Joost

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