[Qgis-user] Field calculator issue

Carlos Cerdán sig.upagu at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 05:13:52 PST 2013

Hi list:

(Maybe related with Rob Vech e-mail: strange results when calculating area
and perimeter )

I'm was trying calculate area of a layer with two polygons, but I can't get
right values. Layer and project are in UTM 17s (epsg 32717) projection. I
want square kilometers, so the used expression is:


Field type is real, 10 digits, 2 decimals (also tryed with 15 digits) buth
result is wrong for one polygon and zero for second.

The layer has not geometric errors (I've check it), and can be download

There are a field "Area_KM2" that was calculated in ArcGIS and it has the
right values. The "Area_Ha" has the (wrong) result of QGIS field calculator.

What is wrong with field calculator?

UPDATE: After a reboot, field calculator found the right values... but What
was wrong?

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