[Qgis-user] Distinct Colors for American Map

Lee Hachadoorian Lee.Hachadoorian+L at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 14:15:45 PST 2013

On 11/16/2013 03:43 PM, Dan Dittmann wrote:
> On Nov 15, 2013, at 7:09 PM, Sasa Sullivan wrote:
>> I am learning QGIS and know the general instructions on how to color 
>> code areas through the Style feature but am not able to get a 
>> distinct color per state for a map of the USA, maybe it is my source 
>> as I don't see one listed that encompasses the state shape only.
>> Also I only need the state, city and county boundaries, if someone 
>> has a scaled down Open Source shape files for the USA it would be 
>> helpful as I don't have unlimited hard drive space for the ones I 
>> have found
>> Sasa
>> _______________________________________________
> Hello Sasa,
> Without knowing where your data was obtained, I cannot speculate on 
> the trouble encountered. The instructions below assume QGIS 2.01 is 
> used and should be usable with adjustments on older versions as well.
> First lets get some data. The National Atlas website has numerous 
> shape files available for download. Most of what you are looking for 
> should be available 
> fromhttp://nationalatlas.gov/atlasftp.html?openChapters=%2Cchpbound#chpbound. 
> In this demo, I will be using the State Boundaries, One Million-Scale 
> layer available for download at 
> http://dds.cr.usgs.gov/pub/data/nationalatlas/statep010_nt00798.tar.gz.
> - Extract the archive and import the file statep010.shp into QGIS.
> - Open the Properties dialog for the imported layer.
> - Click Style from the column on the left.
> - Locate the menu "Single Symbol" and change that to "Categorized".
> - Change the Column menu to "State" Click the Classify button.
> - Click OK.
> You now have a basic US Map with each state colored with a unique color.
> Dan


The Census provides generalized shapes at 
http://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/tiger-cart-boundary.html, in 
addition to the high-precision TIGER/Line files.

I would also look at Natural Earth which is a dataset designed for 
cartography at different scales. Their "Admin 1 - States Provinces" 
dataset will include the US and other countries' subnational units. 
Their data also includes various "mapcolorX" columns so that you can use 
a categorical theme as described by Dan to style your map with X colors, 
with no states touching another state styled with the same color.


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