[Qgis-user] Mapinfo and qgis file's datum problem

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Fri Nov 29 07:12:58 PST 2013

Am 29.11.2013 15:48, schrieb nagellette:
> his post has NOT been accepted by the mailing list yet. Hi All,
> I am new at Qgis and I enjoyed and find it usefuşş for most parts. I
> am currently using map info for some buffer analysis and had some
> problems about trying to do same analysis in qgis.
> I am trying to put a ring buffer for 100m. I converted 100m into
> degrees since my default projection in qgis is wgs84 epsg:4326. I
> putted a point got a ring in qgis.
> Ring created in qgis
> <http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/file/n5091891/ring_qgis.jpg>

If your projection is EPSG:4326, units are in degrees. So your buffer in 
QGIS is not 100m, but 100°. You have to reproject your data to a CRS 
that has metres as units, like UTM for your part of the world.

André Joost

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