[Qgis-user] Image Stitching help

Dan Beavers beaversd at datasync.com
Sat Nov 30 07:32:05 PST 2013

I am using 2.0.1-Dufour and looking for documentation on how to stitch
some raster images together. The original images are jpg and when I did an
add raster layer the image was not recognizable. The jpg images of course
do not have any location associated with them. I then used Gimp to convert
them to tiff (not geotiff) and they load as good looking raster layers.
There is no CRS associated with these images, they are just spatially
related to each other. 

1) Do I have to convert all of my pictures to tiff
or is there some way to load jpg raster images that do not distort beyond

2) Where can I find documentation on how to stitch my images
together? I have not found the documentation for that process yet.

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