[Qgis-user] ESRI-FileGDB: Is this really meant to be usable?

Bernd Vogelgesang bernd.vogelgesang at gmx.de
Tue Oct 1 03:11:01 PDT 2013


I have a FileGDB, formerly created in ArcGis 9.2, and then transformed 
to a 10-Version.
The FileGDB has a size of 1,6 MB(!), and when i select one of the 
layers, which contains 150 polygons only, it takes about 2 minutes to 
open the layer.
Showing the attribute table takes another 2 minutes.
During this time the CPU-load jumps from 20% to 60% and back.
Trying to do anything else with QGIS sooner or later leeds to a crash.

Question: Does anyone work successfully with ESRI-FileGDB?
What might be the reason for this encredibly bad performance?


Win7 Osgeo4w-advanced QGIS 2.01

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